On the Walls: Hannah Rothstein presents Art from the Aftermath
Artist Statement:
“Helene took my art studio and everything in it. All the paint, the tools, the furniture- and all the original work I had, save a for a few pieces I’d kept for myself, works in private collections, and a series of paintings currently in a gallery in Aspen, CO. The art in this show is what I’ve felt motivated to make in the aftermath, working in my ersatz creative space, the space in which I’m biding my art-making time until I can find a new studio- a small desk in my apartment.
You’ll notice that this show spans a variety of genres and media, from outer-space-evocative water color, precious metal leaf orbs, to works about climate change. This is how my brain works. It likes to dabble and roam. It does not like to be confined in one clean, tidy box that makes marketing easy.”
See more of Hannah’s work at her website: https://www.hrothstein.com